Want Sparkling Clean Windows? You\’ve Gotta See This

As must as you hate to hear this, your windows tell a lot about you. But there’s probably one problem that’s common to most homeowners. They find it a hell of a task cleaning their windows. With the right materials and methods, cleaning your windows will be less of a hassle. Check out the best ways to get the job done faster and easier.
Target cleaning on cloudy days
This is where many people get it wrong when choosing the perfect time to clean their windows. There are increased chances of leftover residues from window cleaning agents on your windows when you wash on sunny days. The best time to clean your windows is cloudy days when cleaning materials remain until you wash them off.
Clean with homemade cleaning agents
Commercial cleaning agents contain toxic materials that can damage your windows. The best way to clean your windows is to use traditional cleaning materials like baking soda or vinegar. You can make your window cleaner from a mixture of vinegar, water, and rubbing alcohol. Add one teaspoon of vinegar and one cup of rubbing alcohol to a cup of water. And boom! You have a perfect homemade window cleaner. It is economical and safer to use than commercially produced cleaners.
Go from the top to the bottom
Cleaning from the top to the bottom is more efficient using the law of gravity to your advantage. As the solution drips make its way, from the top to the bottom, be rest assured of a streak-free window. Above all, it allows you to spot areas on the window that needs more attention.
You can achieve a sparkling clean window. It takes only a little determination and knowing what to do to maintain windows you buy from https://klarwindows.co.uk/double-glazed-windows. And trust me, it’ll be worth it in the end.